


Eric Blum

With over 15-years in the business, Eric specialized in full-service self storage consulting for the self-storage industry. His expertise lies in assisting first-time novice investors and developers worldwide in the complete process from site location, site planning, zoning, design, unit mix, office layout, security, branding, marketing, and operations. Eric has successfully completed projects and led keynotes sessions as a storage industry expert throughout the United States, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America.

Headshot of Eric Blum, a specialized in full-service consulting for the self-storage industry.
Headshot of David Blum, who During his 20+ year career in the self-storage industry, David co-founded the South Florida Self-Storage Association, served as a regional board member of the National Self-Storage Association.
In memoriam - founder & former president

David Blum

During his 20+ year career in the self-storage industry, David co-founded the South Florida Self-Storage Association, served as a regional board member of the National Self-Storage Association and represented Florida as both an FSSA Trustee and on the Nation Self Storage Associations. Along with his extensive work in Florida, David was hired internationally as one of the top experts for self storage consulting in the self-storage industry. David will be remembered for his gregarious personality, sharp spirit and powerful keynote presentations. 

Photo of Tri Village Self Storage | BMSGRP offers self storage consulting services and will do a feasibility study to make sure your self storage project is a success!

Self Storage
Snap Report

Our web-based snap report will provide developers with a high-level audit of your land’s feasibility and determine if it pays to move forward with your project.

Photo of a self storage unit by BMSGRP, a self storage consulting service who provides storage feasibility studies, storage market study, storage site selection consulting and more!

Self Storage Feasibility
Study Report

Secured a site for your self-storage facility but unsure where to begin? Our comprehensive feasibility study will provide an in-depth review of your self-storage site and more.

An image of Life Storage by BMSGRP | Expert self storage consultants who help self storage projects nationwide become successful through self storage market studies, storage feasibility studies. site selection and more.

Self Storage
Consulting Services

Whether you are a new self storage developer undertaking your first self-storage project, we offer self storage consulting and have hundreds of successfully completed projects!